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On 6/18/2018 at 4:12 PM, taRAK afrESH said:

Homemade chocolate



On 6/18/2018 at 4:21 PM, taRAK afrESH said:

Grainneys, early foods


Chocolates n Biscuits kuda tinaniyyava uncle mammalni :kick:

Posted (edited)
  1. Quit Alcohol - Your liver thanks you after almost 10 years of abuse.
  2. Quit Smoking - Your lungs thank you and the capacity of your brain expands
  3. Exercise - I joined gym but its not mandatory. Any form of exercise that suits you. Makes you energized for the day and fit.
  4. Healthy Eating - This sounds like a joke but it is not. Try adding more fibers and protein in diet and you will see miracles in a week. No, you do not have to quit non-veg ;). Just eat healthy and less sugar and less junk.
  5. Proper Sleep (7 to 8 hours deep)- The above four will automatically take care of the 5th but then don’t fight the urge to sleep.
  6. Start Reading - I read 2 books of Dan Brown in last 2 months and currently reading a book by Gay Hendricks. I can’t explain what I have been missing in life. Jane Eyre and Norwegian Wood got delivered today from Amazon Prime.
  7. Meditation - This would never been started if I had not taken up healthy lifestyle by Point 1,2 and 3. My life has mainly changed because of this. I have become compassionate, aware and I stand up for myself more than ever.
  8. Start Writing - Anywhere. I started a Offline Journal as well as online at Penzu so that I have flexibility. P.S - This is only my third answer in Quora after I started this habit.
  9. Forgive : I called up a friend whom I had not spoken for 9 years and said I am sorry although was never my fault. Only fault was I did not communicate my feelings to him 9 years before.
  10. Call Parents Regularly : This is very important. My mom says she eats an extra ounce of rice when children call. So I make it a point to call and regularly even if I have nothing to talk.

    Bonus 1 : Quit Social Media(Facebook , its a never ending scroll)

    Bonus 2 : Wake up early : This was possible because of healthy lifestyle.You will have so much time for yourself.

I saw a TedX video in which the speaker says , read a book at least for 10 minutes a day. If you are making excuses saying you do not have 10 minutes for yourself, you basically have no life - Its true.

Happy Life.


From someoen on Quora

Edited by taRAK afrESH

The routine is broken up into five 10-minute sections that each entail just one exercise: the box squat jump, the Bulgarian split squat jump, the box squat, the Bulgarian split squat, or the single-leg box squat.

Each block also comes with its own set of directions, so the stimulus is different every 10 minutes, explains Gaddour. That means you can keep the intensity high the entire time.

And if you push yourself for 50 minutes straight, you’ll boost post-workout fat burn, increase your power, improve your stamina, and continuously activate all the muscle fibers in your glutes, hamstrings, and quads, he says. Enter beast mode


How Long to Rest Between Sets

Consider working longer rests into your routine if you want to build strength and size, says Schoenfeld.

This study only compared one-minute and three-minute rests, but other research suggests that two minutes may be enough to fully recover between sets, he says.

Take those two-minute rests after your major compound exercises like squats, presses, and rows, which are more physically taxing and take longer to recover from.

But you can stick to shorter, 60-second rests for single-joint movements like biceps curls, which you’ll bounce back from more quickly.


Pushups 60
Pullups 28 with support
Chest workout 3 workouts 3 sets 15 12 10 reps
Abs 3 workouts
Sides 3 workouts
Threadmill 10 min
Cross trainer 5 min
Cycling 5 min

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