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Pisalu voorike ivvaru kada bro....... Charity/loan musugu....... lopala British countries interest....


Ichhavadiki theesukone vaadu lokuva...........


eee western countries people luxuries ku alavatu padi poyaru..... kadupu etta nindedi....... toilet paper ela konedi......... capital vundi........ eastern countries lo invest chesi..... mana valla kastam tho toilet paper konukkoni vaadukontaru......


manam chei chaapi koorchone varaku..... ivi tappavu.........


In Few sentences you make more sense.....keep it up bro. Read from life events and everyday life. Keeping it simple. Pisalu vuntene palav........Lekapothe ledhu.....We all know on the roads.....but in forums some kind of unreal happens.....


When I have no money, no one to borrow from(I didnt want to from relatives....my choice etc), my weekly earnings were not enough to pay my fees..........I personally didnt like to borrow...... still I gladly accepted the offers from the credit cards with big interests...I felt it was boon for me.....very happy... kept my ball rolling........in a far away country. I had no qualms. I never felt powerless. Whether I had less money or more resources now...... my mental state pretty much same........never felt victimized(I had plenty of anxious moments until I paid my Tuition fees very the last day numerous times back then.....living) .....


If we have more money what we do.....Try to Lend some or invest or do direct business....all in the process of getting some more returns. That is natural. Now I dont pay interests, since I have money. If the companies like to pay me, I will consider lending them.....see its all in our control. Same logic for companies or countries or individuals or businesses ......white man, brown man, Chinese, Indian, Male , Female.....fact of life.....


We should not be complaining or feel victimized. Feeling victim is sign of weakness. Leftwing agitators always thrive on this.......to gin up anger....they want people to feel powerless....feel victimized.......they dont like people becoming independent......being responsible........taking charge of their lives. .........The more simpler we see, more better we react and adapt to the realities and progress better.......

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