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Bob Marley

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Everything posted by Bob Marley

  1. have a story that has only gotten scarier the more I think back on it, especially after it happened with what my mother said when i told her. if it sounds blunt, thats because im telling you it as bluntly and truthfully as i can. it starts out sounding okay, eerily exciting even, but you'll understand why it still traumatizes me if you make it to the end. about 5-ish years ago, I was living in a compact two-story unit with my mother and her boyfriend. I was a teenager at the time. as per the norm for such houses, the bedrooms were upstairs (two of them) and the only bathroom in the house as well. we didnt have a lot of money so my bed was a mattress on the floor in a pretty much empty room that had one small window. the night before this event i felt something poking me through the blanket in the early hours of the morning but summed it up to pins and needles from sleeping in a funny position on my old as hell mattress. I was woken up about once a week by what sounded like very light scratching on the glass window, like claws or nails, but being a cynical kid I always told myself its one of the neighbor's cats on our balcony, then waited for it to stop before drifting back to sleep again. though thinking back on it now it almost sounded like it was on the inside of the window. note:i never saw a cat on my windowsill. One night, however, after the scratching ceased I couldn't get back to sleep, so I just stared at the ceiling and listened to the rain for what seemed like nearly an hour before I heard something. it sounded like the wind lightly tapping my wide open bedroom door against the wall. I had to pee, and seeing as i couldn't get back to sleep i got up and went to go to the toilet, but i heard the door knock again slightly, but i could see (lit only by moonlight) that there was a good few inches between the door and the wall and that the door didnt move at all, let alone enough to make a noise that loud, even though it was still fairly quiet. I dont know why i did, but i tapped the door lightly with my knuckle twice. i then heard the same knock repeated back to me a few seconds later. knowing i couldnt possibly get back to sleep afterwords without properly investingating, i checked behind the door, the other side of the wall and then half closed the door and sat down in front of it. i gave it a "knock, knock knock" and sure enough about 10 seconds later i got the same knock repeating back to me from the top of the door (it seemed), only a little lighter than my own knocks. like they where tapping with their fingernails or something. i do this with different simple knocks a couple more times before i decide to take it one step further and ask "it" something. i said in voice only a little louder than a whisper "are you ... a ghost?..... knock once if you are" i got no response. i tried knocking again, no response. this creeped me out a fair amount. at this point, i really needed to pee. i already needed to pee, but my nerves creeping up on me made it worse. i didnt want to turn any lights on as my mother and her boyfriend where asleep in their room very close with the door open, and becuase its so compact, the toilet light would hit them in their bed. the bathroom door is directly parrallel to my mum's/bf's room with my door being adjacent to both (imagine a metre sqaure on the floor, the 4 sides are the doors/stairs. mums room is opposite bathroom and my room is opposite stairs). on my way out of the bathroom, im forced to look into my mums bedroom, and thats when i see "it". it looked like a shadow, or a man in full black in the dark. it wasnt my mum or her boyfriend because i could hear them both snoring in unison, and could see their feet on the bed behind "it". i froze, obviously. stared at it. it stepped forwards just outside my mums room onto that small "square" of floor and seemed to 'stand up' as if though it had been crouching. it was dark and the only light coming in was still the moonlight from my bedroom window, but i could tell it was there. i could barely but could still tell where it stopped and the roof started. it must have been seven foot tall. i can remember that all i could think of was "is this real? is this just somehow my own shadow? is it my mums bf?" thats when i realised i could still see their feet and hear them snoring, and that the light wasnt coming from behind me but from the right. i was still frozen, locked in my own thought until it breathed. it felt and sounded like a bull or a horse letting out a big 'sigh'. at that exact moment that i realised that the noise i heard and breaze i felt was a breathe i did something i honest-to-god still can't believe i did. i ran TOWARDS it, to get to my sleeping mother. not only was she the only safety i could think of, this thing came out of her room. i was worried for her as well. i closed my eyes but i hit it with my left arm as i ran past. it felt like cold water. it was cold but not hard. it felt almost like a pocket of really dense gas. the moment i actually felt it touch my skin still feels like it lasted for minutes, not the split second i know it must have. i made it to my mum and woke her up in tears, but i didnt want to worry her, so i told her i had a nightmare. i didnt sleep that night. we moved out a month later. i told my mother what really happened about 3 months later. we had a discussion that still haunts both of us whenever something creepy happens. it turns out my mother had been seeing a dark figure of sorts standing in the corner of her room, she also heard the scratching on her window, and lights would literally turn themselves on or off at the switch. not flicker, the lightswitch would just flick itself and the light would turn off. my friends never believed this story, they still think i made it all up. i myself was never a believer of things science couldnt explain, and i still sum up most strange things that happen to me as my brain misinterpreting information, but after this occurrence as well as 3 much briefer and less terrifying incidents im not so sure about what i think i know to be fact or fiction.
  2. Na darling.... How I met your mother nunchi dream love.. Ummahhh
  3. Workers less barbers thread
  4. Big eyes are nice to see Big lips are nice to kiss Big boobs are nice to squeeze
  5. E oats ela tintaru asla... Sappaga undae sarki milk ekkuva posi 1 spoon ghee vestuna..payasam la sexy ga undi
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