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The reason why misery was created

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The reason why misery was created

Misery for sacrifice to God is the greatest


In fact, God created only happiness for the human beings from the beginning of creation. The human beings were bored with continuous happiness like with continuous eating of sweet dishes only. Thus, misery was born from happiness only. Instead of such useless misery, you can take up the misery through sacrifice. When you sacrifice your wealth for the sake of society, it is a loss causing misery. Such misery is useful because you will be rewarded with temporary heaven in due course. If the sacrifice is without aspiration for heaven, you will be rewarded with the grace of God. You may get misery by losing money in business, which is done due to ambition for extra money. Such misery will lead you to further misery in the hell also. However, the basic point is that misery is needed as a break in continuous happiness. The happiness and misery must alter like sweet and hot dishes in the meals or like happy and unhappy scenes in the cinema. You enjoy the sweet and hot items in meals and happy and unhappy scenes in cinema but not in the real life. Therefore, you should develop the tactfulness of enjoying the misery also. Even the human incarnations enjoyed the misery in this way. Therefore, the will of God responsible for the multiplicity of behavior of the human beings is completely free from any counter argument.


Your sacrifice in the divine service, which is for the contemporary human incarnation or real devotees without any aspiration for fruit in return will fetch you the highest grace of God. But, you should not aspire for the grace of God and you should be careful in differentiating the false human incarnations and false devotees from the real ones.

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endo ee gola :atwitsend:


The continuous happiness becomes misery. The happiness has its value only when it is temporary and is interrupted by misery. The continuous eating of sweets, the continuous scenes of happiness in cinema, the continuous winter etc., will bore you and turn themselves into misery finally. The profit of even little money gives happiness to a poor man but the profit of even lot of money does not give happiness to a rich man. The happiness losses its significance in absence of misery and the continuous happiness itself gets converted finally into misery. Therefore, the continuity of happiness is impossible.


The bliss can be continuous because it is infinitely multiplied intensity of happiness and the very nature of bliss is continuity. Such bliss can come only from God and it can be neither from the soul nor from the world. The soul gives only temporary absence of happiness and misery called as peace. The world gives both happiness and misery and none of these two is continuous. If you reach the state of God, which is called as “Saadharmya” in Gita, then only you can derive the bliss from the world in which souls form a part only. Such state can be obtained only from the true spiritual knowledge given by Satguru along with His grace.

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